Impact Survey Provider – Request for Proposal

This is a Request for Proposal to provide the Services in accordance with PIDG’s Requirements, as detailed below. The purpose of this RFP is to set out sufficient information to enable a Bidder to submit a Proposal to deliver the Services so as to meet PIDG’s Requirements.


Background and scope

One of PIDG’s core values is impact, which we define as having a strong, positive, and tangible effect on people’s lives. This can be summarised as how the customers, end-users and workers benefit from PIDG projects. Accordingly, the number of people expected to have access to new or improved infrastructure from PIDG supported projects has been a key outcome indicator that we have monitored and reported on over the years. We assess the sustainable development impact potential of prospective and portfolio investments, which includes an evidence-based assessment of direct impact on people – including assessments of who the expected end-users are and what difference the PIDG supported infrastructure is expected to make on their lives – with an emphasis on underserved and vulnerable groups including women and girls, and those on low incomes among others. Accordingly, our monitoring evaluation and learning (MEL) plan prioritises data collection that allows us to gather data directly and more often from the people whose lives we aim to impact, with two broad aims:

  • Helping PIDG gather more evidence on our investments in terms of achieving impact against expectations and improve decisions and processes based on what we learn.
  • Helping our investee companies gather insights that enable them to do even better in serving their customers. Over the last few years, we have undertaken around 15 end-user surveys, enabling us to her from over 3,000 people across 12 countries.

We are now looking to partner with a survey and impact measurement services provider to help us achieve the aims above over the period 2024-2027.



PIDG Ltd will, where possible (and in accordance with the Timetable), answer questions or provide additional information reasonably requested by Bidders at any time during the Selection Procedure with respect to the contents of this RfP. Such questions should be addressed in writing by email to: under the subject title: “Clarification – Impact Survey Provider RfP [Bidder Name] [Date]”



The key dates for the RfP process are set out in the table below:

No Action Date
1 Publication of RfP on PIDG Website 05/04/2024
2 Due Date for receipt of Proposals 12:00 (BST) – 03/05/2024
3 Appointment of Successful Bidder and commencement of full diligence 03/05/2024


Find out more here.

Model Consulting Contract here.

To apply:

Proposals shall be submitted via


PIDG Ltd reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to extend or modify the above Timetable, and will endeavour to give Bidders as much notice as is reasonably practical of any such extension or modification.